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P.O. Box 18951
Denver, CO 80218

Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline: 303-322-7273; Línea de Crisis Sobre La Violencia Sexual: 303-329-0031

Our Programs

Program Overview

The Blue Bench In Your Community

We are committed to supporting your organization by:

  • Providing 2 trained Community Educators to facilitate programming
  • Creating and implementing customized scenarios/activities for the curriculum and booster sessions (skill-building session following the completion of the program)
  • Offering reports about aggregate pre–/post–evaluation data for your organization
  • Providing materials for students and community members in need of The Blue Bench client services

If you are part of a group or organization that could benefit from learning more about sexual assault or ways to prevent it, you can request more information or encourage your school, club, place of worship, or organization to schedule training from the Prevention Team at The Blue Bench that meet your unique needs. 

If you would like to schedule a program, please fill out our program request form

The Blue Bench
P.O. Box 18951
Denver, CO 80218