24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline / Línea De Crisis Sobre La Violencia Sexual
Survivor Support Resources and Services
303-329-9922 ext. 302
Línea de servicio en español: 303-329-9922 ext. 338
email: resourceline@thebluebench.org
Resource Navigation
Resource navigators offer support, information, and resources, working with you to identify and meet immediate and short-term needs. They can connect you to other services or help you find the community resource that's best for you.
For referral list inquiries and organizational partnerships, contact our resource navigation team:
Phone: 720-464-4945
Email: rtiell@thebluebench.org
Administrative Office
P.O. Box 18951
Denver, CO 80218
Phone: 303-329-9922
Fax: 303-329-9964
Email: info@thebluebench.org
Prevention Programming
For prevention programming inquiries, contact Community Education Coordinator, Parker Reed.
Email: preed@thebluebench.org
Media Inquiries
Members of the news media please contact Katie Swick, Communications & Outreach Specialist:
Phone: 720.357.3883
Email: kswick@thebluebench.org
Development, Donations & Corporate Partnerships
For donation and corporate partnership inquiries, contact Director of Philanthropy Kaylyn Fern.
Email: kfern@thebluebench.org
Outreach Events and Community Partnerships
For community outreach opportunities, contact Carolyn Ferrick
Email: cferrick@thebluebench.org