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Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline/ Línea de Crisis Sobre La Violencia Sexual: 303-322-7273

Support the Cause

Workplace Giving

Giving in Your Workplace Couldn’t Be Easier

Workplace Giving is an easy way to support The Blue Bench. Giving at work through payroll deductions is simple and there are many convenient ways to contribute.

Contributing Through The Colorado Combined Campaign (CCC)

The Blue Bench is one of the nonprofits participating in the Combined Campaign.  State employees and members of the military are encouraged to participate in the CCC and may designate to The Blue Bench on the Workplace Giving Form.

Making Your Gift Through United Way

If your company participates in the United Way Campaign, you can designate your contribution to The Blue Bench. All you need to do to designate your pledge through United Way’s Donor Choice Program by writing The Blue Bench, PO Box 18951, Denver, CO 80218 on the card.

Doubling The Impact Of Your Gift

If you are employed by a company with a Matching Gifts Program, you can double your gift to The Blue Bench by simply completing a Matching Gifts Form. Check with your Human Resources Department to see if you have a Matching Gifts Program. If you do, you will be given a form to complete. After you complete the form, fax to the Development Department at 303-329-9964 or mail to:

The Blue Bench 
PO Box 18951
Denver, CO 80218

For assistance with any of these options, please contact Caroline Ferrick: