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Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline/ Línea de Crisis Sobre La Violencia Sexual: 303-322-7273

For Myself

Medical Help

Survivors have options regarding their healing and safety after sexual assault.

Seeking medical care after sexual assault can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to navigate this process alone. 

Survivors have options, and The Blue Bench advocates are here to provide support, answer questions, and even accompany you during this time.

The decision to get a “rape kit” or “SANE” (Sexual Assault Nurse Exam) is up to you. A rape kit can be completed even if you’re unsure about reporting, giving you the choice to decide later. If you decide not to report, you may still get the exam to address other health concerns or injuries you have following your assault.

Your health and well-being come first, and compassionate care is available to help you take the next steps on your terms.

Click through the questions below for more information:

If you need assistance navigating the SANE and hospital process, The Blue Bench can provide a hospital advocate to assist you.

Hospital Advocates are available to accompany you to the hospital and provide initial support if you wish to get a forensic exam after an assault.

They can also help you understand and consider your options and available resources. 

Our Hospital Advocates can be contacted through our 24/7 Sexual Assault Hotline/Linea en Español para ayuda sobre el abuse sexual at 303-322-7273.