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Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline/ LĂ­nea de Crisis Sobre La Violencia Sexual: 303-322-7273

Our Programs OLD

Youth-Serving Organizations

Let's Talk About It: Sexual Assault Prevention for Youth

Let's Talk About It is an in-depth, five hour prevention program that is typically presented for an hour a day for five days in a row for middle school aged youth, and can be adapted to fit schedule requirements. This curriculum focuses on healthy relationships, boundaries and skill-building to become an active bystander. Trained facilitators lead participants in discussion and activities designed to make the content relevant to their own lives and empower students to be a part of changing social norms through prosocial bystander behavior. Through this interactive curriculum, students will be able to:

  1. Identify characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships
  2. Understand strategies and communication skills for setting boundaries and respecting other people's boundaries
  3. Identify media and cultural messages, including ideas about gender roles and masculinity/femininity, that can lead to sexual violence
  4. Understand what consent is and how it contributes to healthy relationships
  5. Identify verbal and nonverbal behaviors that constitute sexual harassment, sexual coercion and sexual assault
  6. Build empathy for survivors
  7. Describe the options for reporting sexual violence to a trusted adult
  8. Describe how to support a friend and refer them to resources
  9. Identify decision making steps for acting as an ally/active bystander
  10. Describe strategies for becoming an active bystander against sexual assault